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Frequently Asked Questions

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What strain do you recommend for beginners? ‘Golden Teacher’ is amongst the most favored strains of therapeutic psychedelic mushrooms. Their beautifully plump, smooth-to-the-touch caps produce a tinge of burnt-orange that fades into a slightly paler, somewhat-girthy stem. Journeying with Golden Teachers will take you along for a very introspective ride. This cultivar is considered to be medium-strength in terms of potency, scaling in with 0.63% psilocybin, 0.60% psilocin, and 0.25% baeocystin, and with a shorter than average trip duration of 2-4 hours, making it a perfect strain for Beginners. However, the healing powers of these tough, little mushrooms should not be overlooked nor the potency. I've had Teachers hit as hard as the more potent strains I've had. Golden Teachers make their claim to fame by depositing a palpable sense of ancient intelligence through consoling feelings of heart-centered warmth and love. A sense of educational clarity is often reported with their experiences, offering the perfect balance of consciousness expansion and euphoric enjoyment. With that said, any strain of P. Cubensis is ok for a beginner. Just like cannabis has different strains so do the funguides. It get's heavy when you get to the "exotics" like Psilocybe azurescens, Psilocybe Baeocystis and others.

Do you ship? Yes we ship anywhere in the U.S. We are not international just yet. Tracking is provided. and you will usually get your medicine within 7-9 business days.

Is this legal? Will I get in trouble? There are two answers to this question. Both yes and no. Yes because there are a handful of cities across the US that have DECRIMINALIZED mushrooms. It is essentially the same case with cannabis. While they have been decriminalized in various places they still remain FEDERALLY scheduled. With this said we have never had a shipment not make it nor has anyone every seen any ramifications behind ordering our products.

Where do you get your products? All of our products and medicines are produced in house and what is not (cacao, manuka honey etc) is ethically sourced from a single point indigenous origin.

How long does a trip last? Psilocybin Mushrooms – Length of Trip: 4-12 Hours Onset: The onset of a trip can vary depending on the method of ingestion. If the mushrooms are ingested orally, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to start feeling the effects. If the mushrooms are consumed in tea form or ground up and ingested, the onset can occur much sooner. Come-up: During this phase, the effects of will intensify, and the individual may experience changes in perception, thought patterns, and emotions. The come-up phase can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half. Peak: The peak of a trip is the most intense phase of the experience. The peak of a trip can last anywhere from 2-4 hours. Come-down: The come-down phase is the final phase of a psilocybin mushroom trip. The come-down phase can last anywhere from 1-2 hours. After-effects: After the come-down phase, the individual may experience a lingering "afterglow", such as changes in mood, perception, and thought patterns. The after-effects can last anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the dose and the individual’s sensitivity to the drug. MDMA – Length of Trip: 3-4 Hours Onset: After ingestion, it usually takes around 30-60 minutes for MDMA to take effect if orally injested. Nasally the effects take no longer than 5 minutes. Come-up: This phase marks the onset of effects, which can include feelings of euphoria, increased sociability and empathy, heightened sensory perception, and an overall sense of well-being. The come-up can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Plateau: This is the peak of the MDMA experience, during which the user may feel intense feelings of empathy, love, and connection to others. Sensory experiences may be heightened, and the user may experience a sense of “flow” or timelessness. This phase can last for several hours. Come-down: As the effects of MDMA begin to wear off, the user may experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including fatigue, hunger and muscle aches. This phase can last for several hours days. How Long Does a DMT Trip Last? DMT – Length of Trip: 10-30 minutes Onset: After inhalation, DMT typically takes effect within seconds to a few minutes. Come-up: This phase can include intense visual and auditory "hallucinations", changes in perception of time and space, and a sense of being transported to another reality. The come-up can be rapid and intense, and may include feelings of fear, awe, or transcendence. Peak: This is the most intense phase of the DMT experience, during which the user may feel completely dissociated from their body and surroundings, and experience vivid and complex visual and auditory "hallucinations" ( more like you're in contact with interdimensional beings). The peak of the experience may only last a few minutes, but can feel much longer subjectively. Come-down: As the effects of DMT begin to wear off, the user may experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including confusion, disorientation, and difficultyintegrating the experience. This phase can last for several minutes to an hour or more. What is Macrodosing and Microdosing? A microdose is anyting 3g. There is an inbetween dose called a musem dose which is greater than 1g but less than 3. Check out the chart below for more context on the effects and dosages from micro to heroic.

Dosing Scale
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